Mature Community in South Edmonton
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Soccer Programs

Welcome to Parkallen Soccer!

Check here for information and updates on the minor soccer program in Parkallen.

Registration for the 2025 outdoor soccer season starts February 3, 2025.
On time registration closes March 1, 2025.


For registration, game nights, fees etc. please visit:

Our program

Outdoor soccer is affordable, fun, and a great way for your child to meet other children in the Parkallen community. Parkallen Community League (PCL) is a member of the Southwest Zone of the Edmonton Minor Soccer Association, and offers a community soccer program for girls and boys born between 2006 & 2021 for the 2024 outdoor season.

The outdoor soccer season is set to begin the first week of May and end in late June, with the possibility of continuing into early July for U11-U19 teams advancing to post-season play.


Table of Fees Updated Feb 2025

Transfers and Playing Club Soccer

Please note that if you live in a community other than Parkallen, you must register in the community where you live and then request a transfer to Parkallen, if that is where you want your child to play.  If you live in Parkallen and want your child to play in another community, you must first register in Parkallen and request a transfer to that community. It is important to be registered on time if you wish to transfer.

If you want your child to play club soccer you must first register in the community where you live and then contact your club of choice. Tryouts may be required for club soccer.

Requesting Coaches, To Play With Friends and Age Bumps

Community soccer is all about making friends. You can request to play with friends or to play for a particular coach through the registration process. These requests are used as the basis for team formation.

You can also request to play at a different age level than your birth year. Requests for age bumps to an older age group will be honoured where there is space on a team. Generally it is not possible to bump to a younger age group.

Interested in Being a Coach?

Our volunteers are key to the success of the Parkallen Soccer program! Parkallen Soccer is always looking for parents who are interested in volunteering as a coach or assistant coach for their child’s team. We offer access to training and coaching resources from EMSA and the Alberta Soccer Association to help ensure you have the tools you will need for a fun, successful season.

Interested in Being a Referee?

Referees are crucial to soccer! To referee in Alberta, you must be at least 14 years of age and are required to complete the Entry Level Referee Course. Once you have become a certified referee, you will be registered as an active member in the Alberta Soccer Association website database. For more information see the Alberta Soccer Association website.

Other helpful links

Here are some online resources you can use to keep track of teams and field conditions.


Step 1 – Register Online

To register your child, please visit the EMSA Soccer Portal and follow the links.

  • If your child(ren) have played indoor or outdoor soccer recently, log into your account and complete your outdoor registration.

  • If your child(ren) have not played indoor or outdoor soccer, you will need to create a household account first, and then complete your child’s outdoor soccer registration.

Step 2 – Pay and deliver your documents

Payment can be made:

·       Online at the time of registering on the portal

·       In person at Parkallen Snowfest on Sunday February 23 at Parkallen Hall (6510-111 Street)

·       Directly to the Parkallen Soccer Coordinator by leaving a cheque in an envelope labelled with your child’s name in the mailbox at 10947-68 Avenue

There are two ways to provide your required documents:

·       In person at Parkallen Snowfest on Sunday February 23 at Parkallen Hall (6510-111 Street)

·       Directly to the Parkallen Soccer Coordinator by email to or by leaving copies in an envelope labelled with your child’s name in the mailbox at 10947-68 Avenue

The following documents are required:

  1. ALL PLAYERS Copy of 2024/25 Community League Membership Card valid until August 31, 2025. Membership cards are available to purchase at Parkallen Snowfest, online at or by contacting

  2. NEW PLAYERS OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS SINCE LAST REGISTRATION Proof of address (copy of Driver’s License or Utility Bill).

  3. NEW PLAYERS Proof of player birth date (copy of Alberta Health Care card, Birth Certificate or Passport).

The deadline for ‘on-time’ registration is March 1. After that date, registration is on a ‘wait list’ basis, and team placement will be based on availability.

Registration is not considered complete until the online application is completed, payment is received and required paperwork is confirmed.

If your child is trying out for Club Soccer and is offered a spot on a team, your Community soccer cheques will be destroyed and you will be required to issue payment directly to the club soccer program. 

For more information on registering your child for the 2025 Outdoor Soccer Season, please visit SWEMSA’s registration page at

Looking for Financial Assistance?

Through Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart program, and Kidsport Canada, there is help is available for those that need some assistance to allow their child to participate in organized soccer.

If you are applying for financial assistance, you must complete the online application BEFORE attending a payment session.  You also need to bring a copy of your confirmation of application to the payment session.

SWEMSA Adaptive Program: New for 2025

Parkallen Soccer is excited to be part of the SWEMSA Adaptive Program (SAP). SAP is an adaptive, all-abilities soccer program for children and youth between the ages of 5-18 years old. The program provides an opportunity for players with impairments and/or who are neurodiverse to develop physical literacy skills, discover soccer, demonstrate courage, build friendships, and gain self-confidence. The program provides an inclusive environment and is designed and adapted for children with any disability, impairment or level of behaviour. For more information contact Julie Beschell by email at