The Parkallen Community League is involved in planning for the future of our community. With large projects in the works, including the 109 Street Area Renewal Plan, the Flood Mitigation strategy, and the South Campus Development Plan, changes are coming for Parkallen. The city and the university hold engagement events around most developments and planning changes. Your Civics committee advocates for the best interests of Parkallen at these events, and at project specific meetings throughout the year.
Our voice is important.
If you’re interested in helping out, we have volunteer opportunities ranging from small, one-time projects to longer term involvement.
Links and resources
Parkallen Flood Mitigation – Dry Pond
Epcor is now handling the City’s Flood Mitigation Implementation. Our senior engineer has moved to Epcor and we have been assigned a Design Consultant. Design of the Parkallen Drypond will start in 2018 and community consultation and public engagement will resume by the end of 2017.
Neighbourhood of Infill Checklist
If community residents receive a Neighbours of Infill Brochure notifiying them of demolition, Class A Development Permit or Class B Variance Application Notification they should follow the recommendations found here.
Residential Infill Construction Guide
This will orient home owners with how construction of residential infill should occur and what is expected of developers, found here.
Evolving Infill 2.0
Medium & High Density Infill is coming to Transit Oriented Developing Zones which include Parkallen which will bring greater impact.
Development Inquiries
Regarding Class B variance notification or rezoning applications.
Peli Manor
What We Heard Report from the November 7, 2017 Open House
Parkallen Civics' Response to the City's What We Heard Report
Community letters to Council:
Sept. 5, Letter Response Report CR_4459 - Evolving Infill and Middle Density Housing “Missing Middle" and how this will impact mature neighbourhoods.
August 28 Letter Information Sharing for Approved Low Density in MNO
August 22 Letter Comprehensive Multi-Disciplinary Review of Low Impact Development
Flag Lot Pilot – new pilot for subdivision of Porkchop lots.
Site Coverage w. Porkchop Lot Subdivision and why this is a bad idea.
- August 10 Letter - Landscaping and Multidisciplinary Landscaping Issues.