Mature Community in South Edmonton
adj_Ann and Leanne.jpg

Copy of Parkallen Executive

Executive Roles

President :  Role Description

  • Preside at all meetings of the members and executive committee.
  • General management and supervision of affairs and operation of the League;
  • Shall sign, with the secretary, all resolutions;
  • Shall, with the secretary and treasurer, be one of the signing officers for the League bank accounts;Shall sign all contracts, reports and documents on behalf of the League;
  • Shall serve as the League representative to the Central Area Council and the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues;
  • Deal with problems/concerns/complaints of residents as they emerge.

Estimate of time required: 20 hours per month.

Vice President :  Role Description

  • Assist the president wherever possible;
  • Attend all League meetings;
  • In the president's absence, perform the presidential duties; and
  • Do the duties of a vacant executive position (optional).

Estimate of time required: 8 hours per month.

Secretary :  Role Description

  • Attend all meetings;
  • Record all facts and minutes of all proceedings;
  • Give all notices required to members and committees;
  • Custodian of the seal of the League, of all books, papers, records, correspondence, contracts and other documents belonging to the League, which shall be delivered up only when authorized by a resolution of the executive to persons as named in the resolution;
  • Shall provide the executive with agenda and minutes for all League meetings;
  • Shall answer correspondence at the direction of the Executive Committee;
  • Generate documents as requested by the Executive Committee.

Estimate of time required: 8 hours per month.

Treasurer :  Role Description

  • Keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the League and proper books of accounts, issue cheques for all billings;
  • Deposit all money or other valuable effects;
  • Disburse all funds under the direction of the Executive Committee;
  • Attend all League meetings;
  • Prepare monthly and year-to-date financial statements to be presented at Executive meetings;
  • Prepare and issue a financial statement at year end. Arrange for annual audit of accounts as outlined in the Bylaws;
  • Research and apply for grants in the absence of the Grants Co-Ordinator;
  • Maintain insurance records; and
  • Issue receipts when required.

Estimate of time required: 20 hours per month.

Parkallen Executive

Executive Member Authority & Responsibility

The Executive is the legal authority for the Parkallen Community Association (1960) (the “Association”). As a member of the Executive, a Director acts in the position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization.


Requirements of Executive Membership


  1. Commitment to the work of the organization;
  2. Willingness to learn areas of Executive governance: policy, finance, programs,
    personnel and advocacy;
  3. Willingness to serve on committees, if necessary;
  4. Attendance at monthly Executive meetings;
  5. Attendance at meetings of assigned committees;
  6. Attendance at Annual General Meetings;
  7. Attendance at general membership meetings;
  8. Support of special events;
  9. Support of fundraising events;
  10. Financial support of the Association through purchasing of a membership.


Executive members are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting, Executive Members serve for a one-year term in accordance to the Association bylaws.

General Duties

An Executive Member is fully informed on organizational matters, and participates in the Executive’s deliberations and decisions in matters of policy, finance, programs, personnel and advocacy.

The Executive Must:

  1. Monitor all Executive policies;
  2. Review the bylaws and policy manual, and recommend bylaw changes to the membership;
  3. Review the Executive’s structure, approve changes and prepare necessary bylaw amendments;
  4. Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Executive, committees, staff members and community to enhance the Association’s mission;

The Executive Member must participate in, along with other members of the Executive in the following:

  1. Approval of, where appropriate, policy and other recommendations received from the Executive,
    its standing committees and staff;
  2. Development of the Association’s organizational plan and annual review;
  3. Approval of the Association’s budget;
  4. Approval of the hiring and release of Association staff;
  5. Support and participate in evaluating the Association staff;
  6. Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Executive, committees,
    staff members and community to enhance the Association’s mission;

Review Date and Approval Date:
The Executive annually reviews the Executive Member Job Descriptions.

  • Approval Date:
  • Review Date

Executive Member's Code of Conduct

Executive Members need to demonstrate ethical and professional conduct to maintain the confidence of the membership and the public. This commitment includes proper use of authority and appropriate actions in group and individual behaviour when acting as Executive Members.

1. Executive Members must be loyal to the interests of the membership over and above any:

  • Loyalty to advocacy or interest groups, and membership on other Executives or staffs;
  • Personal interest of any Executive Members acting as an individual consumer of this organization’s services.

2. Executive Members are trustees of public confidence and securities. They must avoid any conflict of interest:

  • There must be no self-dealing or any conduct of private business or personal services between any Executive Member and the Association. Exceptions can occur only when there is openness, competitive opportunity and equal access to information;
  • Executive Members must not use their positions to obtain employment within the Society for themselves or their family members; If a Executive Member is considered for employment, he or she must temporarily withdraw from deliberation, voting and access to applicable Association information.

3. Executive Members must not exert any individual authority over the Association except as stated in the Association’s policies.

  • Individual Executive Members do not have any authority to speak for the Association when they interact with staff, the public, the press and other entities unless granted this authority by the whole Executive.

4. Executive Members deal with outside entities or individuals, with clients and staff and with each other using fair play, ethics and straightforward communication.