Mature Community in South Edmonton

2019 Garden Mural Project

Join us in creating something beautiful!

Parkallen Community Garden Mural 2019


Parkallen Community Garden Mural 2019

We’re excited to announce that we will be continuing the excellent work started in 2017 along the north side of the Parkallen rink. This summer, we invite everyone to help us create a new mural to run along the south side rink boards. Watch for workshop dates in our next newsletters and follow us on Facebook to get updates as we go.

See our poster here!

Parkallen Community Garden Mural 2019
Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need a mural?
The Community Garden Mural will be a vibrant addition to our Park. It will enhance our Community Garden and send a warm welcome to everyone entering Parkallen via 65th Ave. It has been shown that murals deter graffiti and help prevent vandalism. Like the south side mural, this new work will be protected with anti-graffiti coatings.

Why are we holding workshops?
This is a community project and will be informed by the community’s aesthetics. Like the mural on the north side of the rink, this project will comprise drawings created by Parkallen residents, young and old, and members of our community partner groups.

Will the workshop drawings follow a particular theme?
Yes. The theme is imaginary nature; participants are encouraged to imagine beyond what can be seen on earth and use their creative skills to draw new plants or animals

How will workshop drawings be reflected in the mural?
The drawings will be traced, projected and re-traced onto the mural panels to make a composition that will later be painted in a unifying way.

Will every workshop drawing be on the mural?
An attempt will be made to incorporate as many images from the workshops as possible.

Will drawing supplies be provided at workshops?
Yes. Paper, pens, pencils, markers and crayons will be provided.

Do I need to register for a workshop?
No! Just show up :)

Who is the artist?
Artist Kaylyn Hardstaff grew up in Parkallen; she is a recent graduate from Grant MacEwan. Kaylyn assisted artist Theodora Harasymiw on the North facing rink mural in 2017

Do you need other volunteers?
Yes. We will need volunteers to help with various aspects of creating and installing the mural. Please contact and specify that you are interested in helping with the mural project.