Mature Community in South Edmonton
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Copy of Membership

Want to join the community league?

Many Reasons To Buy A Parkallen Community League Membership

  • Maintained community spaces: community hall, skating rinks, playgrounds, spray deck, basketball court, community garden, flower beds
  • Free, low-cost social and educational events: SnowFest, music and theatre workshops, community BBQs, Pub Night, Movie Night, Playgroup, Knitters, Diggers, Sprouts, Scouts and more!
  • Health and Wellness: FREE skating and swimming, FREE summer playground leaders, subsidized fitness programs such as Yoga, Zumba and Pilates. 
  • Discounts: Community League hall rentals, city recreation centre admissions, select professional sports games, selected league programmes
  • A voice: Most importantly, your membership gives you a voice and a vote on community issues. The League represents you on issues arising from local, university and city developments and policies and more. 

PLEASE NOTE: League membership is required for community soccer, to use the rinks and for some programmes and other social events.

You can purchase a membership online through the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues. Please note that there is a $5.00 administration fee for online purchase through EFCL.

Make A Splash With Your Membership!

New This Year For All Community League Members: Free Outdoor Swimming This Summer!

Outdoor Pools

Fred Broadstock
15720 - 105 Ave

Mon, Tues, Wed: 5 - 7pm
Sunday: 5pm - 7pm

Mill Creek
9555 - 84 Ave

Mon - Fri: 7pm - 9pm
Weekends: 7pm - 9pm

10315 - 119 Street
Mon, Tues, Wed: 6pm - 8pm
Sunday: 5pm - 7pm

Queen Elizabeth
9100 Walterdale Hill

Mon, Wed: 6pm - 8pm, Tuesday: 5 - 7pm
Sunday: 5pm - 7pm