City Of Edmonton Planning
The Parkallen Community League is proactive in planning the future of our community. With large projects in the works, changes are coming for Parkallen. Your Civics committee advocates for the best interests of Parkallen at the City of Edmonton & University of Alberta engagement events and project-specific meetings.
REcommended REading:
The City Plan
The City Plan is Edmonton’s Municipal Development Plan and provides the city’s vision for growth to 2 million.
Parkallen Community Development Plan, Consolidated June 2021
The Parkallen Community Development Plan was created in 1994. It was repealed on June 8, 2021, along with 78 other neighbourhood-based plans, as part of the City Planning Framework and will be replaced by the Scona District Plan.
District Planning Process
Together, the new District Policy and plans will help guide growth and change in Edmonton. These documents will show where development, infrastructure, and amenity investment should be encouraged in each district. The intent is to move Edmonton towards The City Plan vision of a healthy, urban, climate-resilient city where everyone enjoys easy access to amenities and services close to home.
District Policy
Pending Council’s Approval – Public Hearing ongoing
Scona District Plan
Pending Council’s Approval – Public Hearing ongoing.
2024 Parkallen District Planning Survey Report
The 2024 Parkallen District Planning Survey was conducted between April 29 and May 19, 2024. This occurred during before the final presentation to city council on District Policy and the Scona District Plan. The purpose was to receive input from Parkallen residents on Secondary Corridors proposed in the Scona District Plan, a new proposed District Policy, and understand the impacts of most concern to effectively represent the community’s interest at the May 28, 2024, Council’s Public Hearing.
Priority Growth Areas to 1.25 M
Priority growth areas are nodes and corridors that are expected to see the highest dwelling unit growth to the 1.25 million population horizon.