Mature Community in South Edmonton

109 Street Area Redevelopment Plan

109 Street Area Redevelopment Plan


In January 26, 2011 a meeting was held by Executive Committee, where city officials were directed to convert the 109 Street Corridor Study into a legal plan, an Area Redevelopment Plan. The 109 Street Corridor Study served as important background evidence for our community. Many of the study's recommendations, along with additional input obtained during the 109 Street Rezoning Initiative, formed the basis for a preliminary draft plan that was completed in October 2011.  At that time, representatives from the 6 communities adjoining the 109 Street corridor – Allendale, Garneau, McKernan, Parkallen, Pleasentview and Queen Alexandra - requested that the public involvement process for this redevelopment plan be done in a more communal and amalgamated fashion. As a result, representatives from the involved communities have since been working with City of Edmonton on applying a more integrated methodology to developing the plan.

How does this affect Parkallen?

With the City of Edmonton plans to redevelop the 109 street corridor between the high level bridge and 61 Avenue, several Parkallen Community League volunteers have been working for the past several years on a Committee whose central objective is to liaise between community members and the City regarding this trans-formative and highly impactful project.

Parkallen has a "Commercial Pod" adjacent to the NE corner of our community and the 109 Street ARP will show how this area may be re-developed into the future. There is also potential for redevelopment of land in the SE corner of the community following the de-commissioning of the NAVCAN site.

The following City of Edmonton website provides detailed information on this project: 109 Street ARP  - publicly available fact sheets including background information, drawings, neighborhood renderings, etc.  This document will direct commercial and residential development, streetscaping continuity along the corridor, pedestrian and bike safety, density of housing and maximum height of buildings, transition from medium density housing to single family residential, parking and transportation concerns.

Volunteers needed!

Are you interested in projects related to your neighborhood development and community engagements with the University of Alberta, including the 109 Street Area Redevelopment Plan and transportation? Are you excited about the notion of increasing the accessibility to modes of transportation such as walking, biking, and public transit in Parkallen? If you are, we are looking for several volunteers to join us on one of our many rewarding committees. Any interested volunteers please email